

So Lippy is an independent  business.  When we first started we were selling Lipsticks hence the name. Since then we have expanded to sell and offer  a broad range of fragrances, cosmetics and other beauty products and many gifts for all.  We can offer fragrance’s world’s leading manufacturers at highly discounted prices. Brands we currently have in stock include: Clinique, Gale Hayman, Clarins, Creed Elizabeth Arden, Burberry, Christian Dior, Estee Lauder, Versace, Gucci, Yves Saint Laurent and many more.

New stock is added frequently, so please check back regularly. If you are looking for a particular item, not currently listed, please let us know as we may still be able to get it for you.  If you would like your item sent to a different address then the billing address then please add this to the comments box and we will do this for you.

From time to time we also supply other products, all conforming to CE standards.

We want you to enjoy your shopping experience, and with this in mind have tried to make our website easy to navigate. Each item has been categorised, allowing easier selection of the products, or alternatively items can be selected by manufacturer. It is also possible to use our search facility to find particular items you are interested in.

Join our mailing list and on a regular basis we will bring you a newsletter with information on our latest special offers, new products and much, much more. Don’t forget to enter our monthly prize draw and be in with a chance of winning a gift of fragrance.

We pride ourselves in offering the highest levels of customer service, and hope that our customers will feel happy with their purchase, and return time and time again. If therefore, you have any comments or feedback on any aspect of your experience with us here at So Lippy then please let us know at sales@solippy.co.uk

Please allow 2 – 9 working days for delivery but up to 28 just in case of any unexpected issue.  If we are unable to provide an item we will contact you and advise you and offer an alternative .

Thank you for visiting our website, which we hope you have enjoyed. If you would like to contact us please feel free to do so anytime by E-mail at enquiries@solippy.co.uk

We can now send products within Europe and looking to work towards sending through around the world so please contact us for assistance

We are strictly office  only as we are an online retailer, visitors by appointment only

So Lippy,
OFFICE 121, Reaver House,
12 East Street,
KT17 1HX

01372 727577

Our Opening Hours are Monday – Thursday 10.00am – 4.00pm , Friday 10.00am – 2.00pm

Email sales@solippy.co.uk 

Or follow us on TWITTER for any special offers or discounts


All Prices quoted on our website include VAT at the current rate
VAT Reg No: – 946510225

© 2025 SoLippy All rights reserved.
Website Graphics by TCC Design
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